Quick facts

What Is A Gummy Smile

What is a gummy smile?

A Gummy Smile (also known as a gingival smile), is when too much upper gum is visible when smiling. 

As a guide, in an “ideal” smile, 3mm or less of gum is seen on smiling. This may vary between people due to individual facial features.

What causes a Gummy Smile?

The most common cause of a Gummy Smile is overactive upper lip elevator muscles (the muscles that lift the upper lip up). Antiwrinkle Injections are an easy and effective treatment for overactive muscles.

Other less common causes include problems with teeth, bone structure, gums, a deflated, thin upper lip or a short upper lip. Dermal Filler treatment may help a thin or short upper lip depending on the severity.

Antiwrinkle Injection Treatment For Gummy Smile

Antiwrinkle Injections treatment for Gummy Smile

Treatment with Antiwrinkle Injections is simple with no downtime. A careful assessment of the area is essential to ensure a natural result. Your specific shape and the distance from your nose to your upper lip determines whether you are suitable for this treatment and the degree of treatment required to achieve a natural looking attractive result. Antiwrinkle Injections are strategically injected into either side of the nose (levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscles) or above the upper lip (orbicularis oris muscle) to relax the muscles causing the Gummy Smile. A comprehensive knowledge of facial anatomy and musculature is essential when treating Gummy Smiles to avoid complications such the smile dropping too far. The clinicians at Face To Face Medical are experienced and skilled injectors well versed in facial anatomy. Dr Dahlia Tauber is the author of the widely used manual in the use of Antiwrinkle Injections and a national and international clinical trainer and lecturer in the use of Dermal Fillers and Antiwrinkle injections.

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