Quick facts

  • Antiwrinkle Injections are the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment worldwide
  • A simple procedure with no downtime
  • Anti Wrinkle Injections are extremely effective in reducing and preventing wrinkles and lines due to muscle contractions and sometimes even reverse lines that have already formed,
  • We can accurately target specific muscles of the face to soften or eliminate overlying wrinkles
  • Anti Wrinkle Injections can improve facial shape and stop the pulling down of the mouth corners
  • We aim to preserve natural expression while still reducing wrinkles
  • Anti Wrinkle Injections can be used to treat excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
  • Dr Dahlia Tauber is the author of the widely used manual on Antiwrinkle Injections and is an educator in this field
Anti Wrinkle Injections

The Home of Anti-Wrinkle Injections in Melbourne

Led by Dr Dahlia Tauber and a meticulously selected team of clinicians, Face To Face Medical has been providing anti-wrinkle injections in Melbourne since 2002. You can find our modern, fully-equipped clinic at 44 The Avenue, Windsor, just a short walk or drive from Chapel Street.

Read on to learn more about anti-wrinkle treatment in Melbourne and how Face To Face Medical can help you achieve your goals.

Anti Wrinkle Injections

Anti-Wrinkle Injections offer effective and lasting treatment for some of the obvious signs of ageing caused by repeated muscle contraction. Wrinkles can develop as a result of sun damage, genetics, dehydration, and repeated facial movements. When we move our face, the muscles under the skin cause the skin to fold. Over time, this process leads to wrinkles that start as fine lines and then develop into deeper lines.

They tend to start in the ForeheadFrown Lines, and around the eyes (Crow’s Feet). Anti-Wrinkle Injections relax the muscle, thereby softening or completely removing the wrinkle in the overlying skin. If the skin above the muscle is not able to fold repeatedly, it is less likely to form a wrinkle thereby preventing wrinkles from forming. In addition, lines that are already deeply etched into the skin may soften.

Our treatment goal is to relax the muscle which prevents overlying wrinkles while preserving your natural expression. We aim to maintain your natural beauty while rejuvenating your appearance, so no one will notice you had treatment.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections are the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment worldwide. As a testament to its safety profile, larger doses of Anti-Wrinkle Injections are often used with children as young as 2 years old living with cerebral palsy. With Anti-Wrinkle Injection treatments in Melbourne, we are using much smaller doses.

Apart from improving lines, Anti-wrinkle Injections can also be used to improve facial shape, help reduce teeth grinding (Bruxism), treat migraines, and reduce excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the face, armpits, palms, and soles.

Muscles of the face and neck have specific functions. Some pull parts of the face up (elevator muscles) and others pull it down (depressor muscles). With our expertise, we can selectively weaken targeted muscles to improve the muscle balance of the face such as creating an Eyebrow Lift, improving the Jowlslifting the corners of the mouth, improving a Gummy Smile, and softening Neck Bands.

Antiwrinkle Injection Men

Antiwrinkle Injections For Men

The shape and proportion of the male face is different than that of a female, so Anti-Wrinkle Injections in men require skill and an understanding of the subtle differences. If performed incorrectly you may inadvertently feminize a man’s face. At Face To Face Medical, we are skilled at customising treatment specific to men and consider the subtle differences required when treating men compared to women.

The aim is to enhance and preserve masculine features while softening lines. Men typically have brows that sit lower than females and are less arched. Softening but not completely removing lines are often key to maintaining a masculine look.

Want to Know More About Anti Wrinkle Injections in Melbourne?

How Do Anti Wrinkle Injections Work?

Anti wrinkle Injections consist of a purified protein. It acts by blocking the nerve impulses in specific muscles of the face, weakening the contraction of the targeted muscle. As the muscle is relaxed, the appearance of the overlying wrinkles is softened or completely eliminated.

Continual contraction of a muscle will form lines and wrinkles in the overlying skin. Over time, with repeated muscle contraction, lines may stay etched into the skin even when the muscle isn’t contracting. If the skin above the muscle is not able to fold repeatedly, it is less likely to form a wrinkle. Anti-Wrinkle Injections prevent lines from forming and help soften lines that are already etched into the skin.

By precisely targeting specific muscles with small amounts of the anti-wrinkle protein injection, we ensure surrounding muscles are not affected.

There are currently three brands of Anti-Wrinkle injections available in Melbourne, Australia, however, more brands of Anti-Wrinkle injections will become available within the next few years. We offer all 3 brands at Face To Face Medical so that we can use the Brand that best suits each individual.

What areas can be treated with Anti Wrinkle Injections?

Areas that can be treated include:

What Does the Treatment Involve?

A thorough assessment and consultation followed by a treatment plan is discussed with you. Each patient has individual anatomy, goals, and facial balance so we individualise every treatment. Included in the assessment is a careful observation of your muscle movement and your lines at rest and in animated expression. Photographic documentation is part of every initial assessment. The clinicians at Face To Face Medical are highly skilled and strive for the best and most natural result possible.

Using a very fine needle, we inject the Anti-Wrinkle Injection clear fluid into the skin above the muscles in a pattern that is unique to your facial movements. The procedure itself is very straightforward, only taking a few minutes. In fact, you are able to schedule appointments in your lunch break from work and head back into the office once the treatment is complete.

Most people feel little to no discomfort during the injection process. Ice can be used to reduce any discomfort. After the procedure, you may notice little red bumps where the injection was administered. These typically subside in about 10 minutes. We advise you not to massage or rub the area for 4 hours post-treatment to avoid shifting the Anti-Wrinkle Injections. There is no downtime. Over the following days, the targeted muscles will relax, and the appearance of the overlying wrinkles will reduce, while still allowing you to make natural facial expressions. We aim to rejuvenate while maintaining a natural appearance.

We recommend that new patients return for a follow-up consultation 2 weeks after treatment to review the treatment results and make any minor adjustments if needed.

Is It Safe?

Anti-Wrinkle Injections have been used for well over 40 years to treat medical conditions and over 30 years in cosmetic medicine. There are no reports of long term side effects. Any potential side effects are temporary. Much larger doses of Anti-Wrinkle Injections are used safely in children with specific medical conditions as young as 2 years old.

How long does it last?

Results usually begin within 2-4 days following the procedure and the full effects are evident by 1-2 weeks. The effect should last 3-6 months depending on your muscle thickness, dose, age, facial movements, and metabolism. Over time, the body metabolises the toxin, leading to a moderate return of muscle movement where the treatment occurred. We find that most patients repeat treatments two or three times a year.

Who Is a Good Candidate and When Can You Start Anti-Wrinkle Injections?

The optimal time to start treatment is when you begin to notice wrinkles develop. This can be as early as in your 20s for some and later for others. Depending on your genetics, sun exposure and degree of facial expression, you will benefit from Anti-Wrinkle Injections at different times. It’s best to start before your wrinkles become deeply etched into the skin. It is more difficult to reverse lines that are already present in the resting face than to prevent them from forming in the first place.

Can I Have Anti-Wrinkle Injections at The Same Time as Dermal Fillers?

Yes. In fact, the treatments often complement each other and are done at the same time.

Is it painful?

Patients may experience very slight discomfort however many find this almost painless. You may opt to have the treatment areas numbed with ice before the injections, and of course, our clinicians will ensure that all patients feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the treatment session.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Side effects are uncommon however some minor adverse events are possible. Patients may experience tenderness or bruising in the treatment areas. This normally resolves within hours or days. Infrequently, headaches may occur which can be treated with mild painkillers. Other uncommon temporary side effects include an allergic reaction and flu-like symptoms. There are specific but temporary potential side effects depending on the area treated. A temporary droop in the eyelid may occur after the frown line treatment. This usually resolves within a few weeks and can be improved with eye drops. The eyebrow may temporarily drop slightly with Forehead treatments.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections have been a common treatment option in cosmetic medicine for over 30 years, and our clinicians will carefully explain potential side effects during the initial consultation.

This treatment should not be undertaken if you are pregnant or have certain neuromuscular disorders.

Can It Be Used in Pregnant Women?

It should not be used in pregnancy, while breastfeeding, or in people with certain neuromuscular disorders.


Our Clinic Has Excellent, Experienced Clinicians Performing Treatments with Anti-Wrinkle Injections in Melbourne

Since 2002, Face To Face Medical has been a respected name in cosmetic treatments, including Anti-Wrinkle Injections in Melbourne. Our team of Doctors and nurses include Dr Dahlia Tauber, who has had extensive experience in the use of Anti-Wrinkle Injections and has trained other injectors in the use of Anti-Wrinkle Injections in Melbourne, all around Australia, and overseas. Dr Tauber is a Fellow of the Cosmetic Physicians College of Australasia (CPCA), and an examiner for the CPCA college. She is the author of the widely used manual on the use of Anti-Wrinkle Injections. She works closely with her team of injectors who are all highly experienced clinicians.

Highly Experienced Anti-Wrinkle Treatment in Melbourne: Meet the Team

Face To Face Medical founder Dr Dahlia Tauber works alongside a range of other cosmetic doctors, specialist clinical nurses, and dedicated practice staff to provide personalised anti-wrinkle treatment in Melbourne.

You can learn more about the team here.

Make an Appointment to Learn More About Anti-Wrinkle Treatment and Anti-Wrinkle Injections in Melbourne

For bespoke, personalised anti-wrinkle treatments, please call our friendly and welcoming clinical team today.

For all further enquiries regarding our anti-wrinkle injection treatments, Melbourne locals can reach us on 0414 484 191.

To Learn More About Anti Wrinkle Injections, Melbourne Residents Can Contact Our Staff

Disclaimer for Filler and Wrinkle Treatments

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is Australia’s governing body when it comes to the approval of various medical products and treatments and does not allow for specific medical product names to be used on the internet.

Therefore, all individual products, treatment plans, and information regarding potentially adverse effects to the injections will be discussed with your clinician during the consultation.

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