Quick facts

1 Dr Dahlia Tauber is an educator and lecturer in the use of Dermal Fillers and has had over 25 years’ experience in assessing and treating patients with Dermal Fillers. She individualizes treatment to take in to account the unique subtleties involved in treating females, males, various ethnic backgrounds, and different ages.

2 Some Dermal Fillers stimulate your body’s natural production of collagen, creating longer-lasting natural results and long-term anti-aging benefits.

3 Dermal Fillers can enhance or improve:

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What are Dermal Fillers?

Face fillers, otherwise known as Dermal Fillers or Lip Filler, are small injections of gel, typically made up of a sugar, a naturally occurring substance in the human body that helps hydrate and add volume to the skin and underlying soft tissue.

Dermal Fillers can be used in different parts of your face including around the eyes, cheeks, mouth, lips, jawline, and temple.

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How do Dermal Fillers work?

As we age our bodies stop producing collagen and elastin, both of which contribute to a youthful look. In addition, there is a change in the fat and bony structure of the face. This process begins around the age of 25 and results in a progressive loss of facial volume, loss of definition of facial features and the appearance of lines, wrinkles and sagging of the face as we age. Dermal Fillers are used to restore and rejuvenate from the effects of ageing.

Dermal Fillers may also be used in young patients to enhance certain features such as the cheeks or lips.

How we subconsciously perceive someone's age and attractiveness is a complex process of the interplay of light and shadow. This interplay can signify youth or age as well as beauty. Loss of light reflection associated with youth signals ageing even more so than the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles.

Concave areas that develop or deepen as we age and lose facial volume create more shadows, and it is this shadowing that we subconsciously perceive as signs of ageing. Convex areas reflect light, making us look more vibrant and younger. These areas are your cheeks, forehead, temples, and lips – even the small philtral columns between the lip and nose.

By restoring balance and definition with precisely placed fillers, the medical team at Face To Face Medical can produce results that are subtle yet convey youth and overall facial harmony. You will look better and more refreshed, without ever looking “done.”

Want To Know More About Dermal Fillers?

What Areas Can Be Treated?

What are the signs of ageing?

FACIAL AGEING involves all levels of the face:

  • Skin – Texture, tone, laxity, and pigmentation,
  • Volume – Facial Fat and Contours
  • Muscle – loss of muscle support leads to sagging. Conversely muscle hyperactivity in some areas can be problematic.
  • Bone – Support and foundation reduces

Skin – As we age, collagen and elastin production within the skin slows down. Collagen provides skin firmness and strength, while elastin adds flexibility and resilience. The skin loses firmness and wrinkle formation intensifies.

Volume - Fat begins to disappear from under the eyes and dark shadows cause us to look older and tired. In some cases, puffiness appears under the eyes. Nasolabial lines (lines between the nose and mouth) deepen, and jowls appear. The cheeks flatten and the temple area becomes hollow. Marionette lines appear (lines between the mouth and chin). Lips deflate and become thinner. Lines form around them. A double chin often appears.

Muscle and ligaments- When facial muscles lose tone and ligament weaken, the signs of ageing become more apparent. The skin on your face and neck is attached directly to the muscles. As years go by the muscle tone gradually decreases and the entire face starts sagging. Paradoxically, in some areas of the lower face (for example), the muscle becomes hyperactive and creates dimpling or pulling.

Bone – As we age the facial skeleton bone changes shape contributing to the face shape changing from a youthful oval or V shape to a squarer shape with a heavier lower face.

What Does The Dermal Fillers Procedure Involve?

A thorough assessment and consultation followed by a treatment plan is discussed with you. Each patient has individual anatomy, goals, and facial balance so we individualize every treatment. Included in the assessment is a careful observation of your facial movements in animation and at rest, your facial shape, and your facial proportions. Photographic documentation is part of every initial assessment. The clinicians at Face To Face Medical are highly skilled and strive for the best and most natural result possible.

Dermal Fillers contain a local anaesthetic mixed in with the pre-packaged filler gel so pain or discomfort during Dermal Fillers injections is usually minimal however ice, a dental block, or topical anaesthetic cream can be applied to more sensitive areas, such as the lips, prior to the injection being administered.

A fine needle or micro-cannula (fine blunt tipped instrument) is used to inject the filler into carefully selected areas of the face, with the treatment usually taking around 30 -60 minutes.

Results are immediate. Our treatments do not affect facial expression and we avoid overfilling the face. Our aim is to rejuvenate and enhance while maintaining a natural look.

How do you choose which Dermal Fillers to use?

There are many brands of Dermal Fillers in Australia. They vary in molecular size, thickness, and strength. At Face to Face Medical, we have a range of filler choices so that our experienced practitioners can assess each individual and customize the best treatment for each and every patient. The filler choice depends on the area treated, the patient’s skin quality, the patient’s age, and tissue coverage. In addition, the Dermal Fillers most commonly used at Face To Face Medical are reversable and can be dissolved which adds a layer of safety to the treatment. By injecting an enzyme into the skin, the filler is able to be dissolved. This can be performed if you want to reverse the results or there is an allergy or other complication.

​ Is filler suitable for men?

Filler treatments in men have become more common over recent years. At Face To Face Medical, we are skilled at customising treatment specific to the male face and consider the subtle differences required when treating men compared to women. Dermal Fillers in men can enhance masculinity and attractiveness however treatments performed incorrectly in men run the risk of feminizing the male face.

We individually assess every face and consider all the subtleties involved. Younger men are seeking more contoured facial features, including stronger, squared-off Jawlines, angled cheekbones; and bold, defined chins. Older men are seeking age preventative treatments that keep them looking youthful and masculine. All the clinicians at Face To Face Medical are highly skilled and well versed in the nuisances of treating men.

Filler for different ethnicities

It is important to consider ethnic background when assessing facial shape, proportion, and balance. For example, perceived ideal lip proportions of the upper and lower lip vary between different ethnic backgrounds. The perceived ideal lip balance of the lower to upper lip is 1:1.6 ratio (lower lip larger) in Caucasians and a more equal upper and lower lip size in Asian or African American heritage.

Each patient has individual anatomy, goals, and facial balance which we consider when customising every treatment.

Is there any downtime after the procedure?

Most patients look rejuvenated immediately after treatment and are able to return to work on the same day however it can vary depending on the area treated. You can expect slight redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, or bruising following treatment. However, the discomfort is temporary and generally disappears within a few days. With lip enhancement, it is wise to choose your treatment time with care since your lips may swell and bruise for a few days.

More information on How to camouflage bruising with makeup.

How long does treatment take?

The treatment takes 30-60 minutes. The treatment benefits can normally be seen immediately. Our treatments do not affect facial expression and we avoid overfilling the face. Our aim is to rejuvenate and enhance while maintaining a natural look.

How long will the results last?

Results of the treatment last from 6 months -2 years, depending on the individual, the area of the treatment, and how much filler is used.

How much filler do I need?

This depends on a number of factors including the area treated, the extent of the volume loss, the goal of the patient, and the facial proportions. This will be discussed at your initial assessment.

I am pregnant or breast feeding, can I be treated?

Avoid treatment if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Fillers are not tested for safety in pregnancy and therefore must be avoided.

Does it hurt?

Dermal Fillers contain a local anaesthetic mixed in with the pre-packaged filler gel so pain or discomfort during Dermal Fillers injections is usually minimal however ice, a dental local anaesthetic block, or topical anaesthetic cream can be applied to more sensitive areas, such as the lips, prior to the injection being administered.

How do I prepare for treatment?

Avoid taking Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, and fish oil for 1 week prior to your treatment. If you are on a blood thinner, discuss this with your doctor.

Are there any risks?

Some common injection-related reactions might occur after an injection. These reactions may include redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising or tenderness at the injection site. These normally resolve within days of the treatment. Bruising may last 2-14 days. Inflammatory reactions may last for up to two weeks in rare cases. After a lip enhancement, your lips may be swollen for several days. Infection or allergy may occur uncommonly. There are other less common potential risks which will be discussed in your initial consultation.

Can Dermal Filler Be Dissolved?

More information on Dissolving Filler.

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